
Fix-It Letters

Fix-It Letters are Minnesota Power’s response to a potentially hazardous and or unsafe condition found on customer-owned equipment. It is the customer's responsibility to fix the situation. Power may be disconnected without notice if the condition is determined to be hazardous to the customer, to other customers of the utility, to utility personnel, to utility-owned equipment or to the public.

If the power is not immediately disconnected a Fix-It Letter will be sent to the customer stating the issue in need of repair. If you receive a letter you need to work with a licensed electrician, your local State Inspector or for repair requirements in your area and complete the repair as soon as possible. If repairs are not made in a timely fashion, we will disconnect the service. Please stay in contact with Minnesota Power about the steps you are taking to fix the issue and time frames. We will work with you on timing if you are actively pursuing repairs and making progress towards a solution, so long as the condition does not worsen to the point of becoming hazardous.

Minnesota Power Fix-it Process

Minnesota Power has an obligation to keep our customers and our employees safe. When a situation is found which would require your service to be disconnected and the need is not immediate, Minnesota Power will take the following steps.

Minnesota Power Fix-it Process Steps:

  • Send letter containing terms and conditions to all interested parties
  • Attempt to maintain power until necessary repairs are made
  • If required, receives Electrical Inspection ID from Customer / Electrician. This information can be sent to
  • Receives Customer-provided photographic proof of repairs. Photos can be sent to
  • If repairs are not made within the allotted period, Minnesota Power will disconnect the power for everyone’s safety. Once the above steps have occurred, Minnesota Power will reconnect the power during normal business hours. Customer has the option to pay for an after-hours reconnect.

Please be aware:

  • Failure to provide electrical inspection will not delay the Disconnect Process

Any questions about this process should be directed to Minnesota Power at (877) 535-0394 or email:

Minnesota Power requires a bypass meter socket to be installed when there is any new construction, including temporary service, or when any significant changes or upgrades are made to the electrical system. Please see chart below to determine if a meter socket upgrade or an electrical permit is required.

The homeowner or licensed electrician is responsible for obtaining an Electrical Permit when required. It is also the responsibility of the homeowner or licensed Electrician to ensure that the work is inspected in a timely manner. Failure to do so may result in disconnection.

Below is a chart to assist you in identifying what requirements are needed for different types of repairs:

Type of Work 200 amp lever bypass required Electrical Permit required by Minnesota Power
Point of attachment repair/replacement NO NO
Overhead to underground conversions YES YES
Replacement of privately owned cable on load side of meter(overhead or underground) YES YES
Replacement of privately owned cable on line side of meter (overhead or underground) YES YES
Weatherhead Repair NO NO
Weatherhead Replacement NO YES
Mast Repair NO NO
Mast Replacement YES YES
Lug Replacement NO NO
Roofing/Mast Flashing Replacement NO NO
General Socket or Service Panel Maintenance NO NO
Replacement of Service Panel (with equal or greater amperage rating YES YES
Generator Installation YES YES
**Governing Authority may require Electrical Permits for repairs or replacements different than this list. Please contact your local electrical inspector to determine if a permit is required.

Utility Owned and Customer Owned Equipment

Minnesota Power’s parent company, ALLETE, has entered an agreement to be acquired by a partnership led by Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and Global Infrastructure Partners and start the process to become a private company.

This transaction will not change our operations, strategy or shared purpose and values, and it is business as usual for all of us at Minnesota Power. Learn more at